
Information for businesses working with PayItMonthly

Can I Integrate PayItMonthly With My Website?

You are able to integrate PayItMonthly with your website. The main options that we have are: Shopify API Integration PayByLink - you can quickly create a link/button to put on your website/emails/socials WooCommerce plugin (WordPress) Wix plugin ...

WooCommerce Plug In

If you run a shop on WooCommerce then we have a plugin for you to easily integrate PayItMonthly with your website. You can find all information on how to install and set up your PayItMonthly plugin at the link below:

Supporting Document Template

Before we can process your payment, we need a couple of supporting documents: an invoice detailing what it is the customer has purchased, and proof that they have received the service in full.  Please upload these to the PIM system through the 'Ta...

Including PayItMonthly Information On Your Website

You may want your customers to understand a bit more about us and our relationship with you. We have created a document that does this for you. You can find the document here Why Choose PayItMonthly Please note that you will need to edit your com...

What should be included on the income and expenditure?

The customer needs to be honest about their income and expenditure, it is in your and their best interest. To read more on affordability take a look at our blog which explains  the importance of affordability . As well as being honest, there ar...

How do we contact you?

You can contact us via the methods below: Telephone 0333 212 3914 0333 212 2141 We are normally open: 9AM - 5.30PM Monday to Thursday* 9AM - 5PM Friday* 9AM - 1PM Saturday *(excluding public holidays) Email sup...

What do I need to know in respect of VAT?

Please note that we cannot give VAT advice to you but we can explain how we charge VAT and also share our understanding of what this means for you.  You should check with your accountant how to account for it in your particular case. Our fees, b...

How do I switch between the basic and standard accounts?

You can switch between the basic and standard packages at any time. You simply need to contact us and we will be happy to move you across the the package of your choice. And if it doesn't work out, let us know and we will switch you back! Conta...

A customer has paid me directly, what do I do?

Sometimes, a customer might call you or pop in and make a payment; or even pay the balance in full. Should this happen, please contact us immediately to let us know as we will need to close the account and direct debit our end. Even if the custo...

Should I upgrade to the Standard Package?

Of course, it is entirely up to you which package you feel benefits you the most, so do what you feel is best for you. Financially, where you are putting through £1,000 or more every month it would benefit you to move across to the standard pa...

What happens if I opt to take legal action?

If after the period of collections activity, there has not been any progress with a customer, you can opt to move forward and take legal action to recover the money. You can use your own solicitor, or we can provide this service for you. This ...

About PayItMonthly

PayItMonthly offers interest-free credit to help you spread the cost of your purchase. How it works: If you want to spread the cost of your purchase, you can simply fill out the online application form. It takes just a few minutes and the d...

Is there a minimum or maximum amount of finance I can offer using your system?

There is no minimum. The maximum amount you can offer is £3,000.00 at our risk and £10,000 for your risk.

A customer has missed a payment. What happens next?

If the agreement has been financed by us, you don't need to worry. Providing you have fulfilled your side of the contract in full, it is our problem to deal with. If you are on the Guaranteed product, you will receive your monthly payments each mo...

When will I get paid?

We pay you the previous months payments the following month. For example, each of your customers that have made a payment in December, will be paid across to you in January. These payments will be made to you, less our Credit Charge, by either t...

Over how many months can I offer credit over?

Depending on what product you are on, you can offer your customers finance anywhere between 1 and 12 instalments. There must be no interest or charges added to the balance. This is because the Agreements are unregulated. This means that you can...

How Do I Access My VAT Invoices?

VAT Invoices are raised for monthly fees, legal costs and sundry items.  In order to access your VAT invoices simply follow the instruction below: On your account, select "Admin". Select "Invoices". This brings a list of all your invoices. Click o...

Status Codes

To help understand your customer's accounts and what is happening with them, they have status codes to indicate this. Please find a list of the status codes below and what they mean. PPLN - The account is in an active payment plan. PIF - The accou...

How do I submit supporting documents?

Depending on the type of agreement you have with PayItMonthly, you may be required to submit some supporting documents for each customer. This is so that we have the documents on file and therefore do not need to keep coming to you to supply them ...

Purchase Status

You will see on your customers accounts a Purchase Status. This will indicate where the account is in the process and whether you need to do anything else for the account. The Purchase Status codes are explained below. DCR - Delivery Confirmation ...

Creating a Remote Agreement

If you are setting up an agreement for a customer who is not present, you need to select the option to create a remote agreement. This agreement will be send to the customer once you fill in all requested information.  This will bring you to a pag...

Creating an Agreement

To create a customer and an agreement select New Agreement in the top left. You can then choose whether to create an On-site finance agreement if you are with the customer or a Remote Finance agreement if you are not with the customer.   The first...

How can I monitor a customer/my customers?

The PayItMonthly system allows you to see information about your individual customers and your collective customers as a whole. If there is an individual customer you want to view, follow these steps: Log into your account.   Click on the Agreemen...

Requesting to cancel agreement/amend the balance

If you need to close a customers account or amend their balance you can request this through our system.  Please log in to your account.  Click on the Agreement tab on the left and choose Signed. To find the relevant customer details, you can sear...

Legal Requirements When You Advertise PayItMonthly

As always, we want to make sure we are doing right by you, our partner, and your customers. So we are letting you know there a few legal requirements you need to include when you are advertising us. You need to: Include a disclosure Include eligib...

Examples of Disclosure

Product Referenced Approved Partner Messaging Required Disclosure General (no invitation to credit) PayItMonthly available PayItMonthly is available at checkout PIM Logo No disclosure required PayItMonthly brand "Buy Now Pay Later" messaging (no s...